Diabetes preventive care and management of complications with hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Complications arising from diabetes are due to prolonged exposure of the capillaries (small terminal blood vessels) to high levels of sugar. This causes changes in the cellular level, creating deposits on the walls of the capillaries making them rigid and narrower. When these capillary networks, also known as microcirculation are damaged, they are no longer able to provide oxygen and nutrients to the nearby tissue, or to remove metabolic waste products. Failed microcirculation further causes peripheral nerve damage, better known as neuropathy. This is the underlying mechanism explaining why diabetic wounds take longer to heal, how kidney and retinal damage occurs, and why the risk of stroke and heart disease is increased in diabetics.
Diabetes complications result from failed blood micro-circulation and neuropathy both of which can effectively be treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
In addition to controlling blood glucose levels and maintaining regular physical activity, preserving healthy microcirculation on which all body organs depend is the most important thing in diabetic management.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in diabetes preventive care promotes growth of blood vessels and nerve endings. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy acts as a blood thinner and improves red blood cell compliance, enabling the blood to enter finer capillaries where the most effective transfer of oxygen takes place. This therapy can both reduce the risk of blood clotting and thrombosis associated with diabetes and stroke as well as heighten metabolism and tissue perfusion to meet an increased demand for oxygen during activity or injury/illness.
Complications of Diabetes:
In the nervous system: High levels of blood sugar can damage the nerve fibers throughout the body, most often in the nerves of the legs and feet. This is called diabetic neuropathy. Pain and numbness of the extremities are the initial symptoms. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy reduces leg pain and numbness by promoting nerve regeneration.
Wound healing: Breakdown of micro-circulation (diabetic vasculopathy) in diabetes, and consequent damage of oxygen deprived nerve endings called diabetic neuropathy can lead to occurrence of wounds and will cause their slow healing. Statistically, half of the primary lower limb amputations are related to diabetes, however, 75 to 90% can be prevented with timely initiation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Furthermore, recent long-term follow-up studies showed a 23% improved 6-year survival rate in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers after hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
In the eye: Diabetic retinopathy affects the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye called the retina causing vision problems. 12% of blindness is due to diabetes alone. Timely initiation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves visual acuity and prevents the occurrence of blindness, glaucoma and cataracts.
In the kidneys and bladder: Some diabetics may develop kidney disease which later may lead to kidney failure. Diabetic nephropathy has become the most common single cause of end-stage renal disease. Diabetes destroys the small blood vessels responsible for filtering the waste products of the body. These impaired capillaries can be restored with hyperbaric oxygen therapy resulting in improved kidney function.
Stroke and Heart Attack: Diabetics are at high risk for stroke and myocardial infarction. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy serves as a blood thinner, creating a more effective and efficient circulation and prevents clotting and thrombosis. Re-oxygenation of the heart and brain, and extra oxygen dissolved in blood plasma can reach the areas where circulation is lost or damaged to initiate the repair.
Dental and Gum Problems: High blood sugar promotes plaque build up and bacterial growth resulting in worsening of gum and tooth problems. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can prevent periodontitis by suppressing inflammation and reducing infection with its bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties.
Stem cell boost: Improved functions of the different organ systems in a diabetic undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the result of increased release of stem cells. A breakthrough study by Dr. Stephen Thom (2005) showed that hyperbaric oxygen facilitates the release of stem cells from bone marrow. Stem cells are essential for repair and rejuvenation of the body. Other benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy include improved heart pumping function, bone density, and immune system response.
For people with diabetes oxygen therapy is the best health care option. It can be a limb and lifesaving solution.
“40 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen therapy decreases mortality rate of patients with diabetic foot ulcers by 20%.”
– Londahl, 2015
There is a multitude of complications related to diabetes. Most common are diabetic foot ulcers, non-healing wounds, kidney and bladder damage, neuropathy, vision disturbances, pain and swelling of the extremities and cardiovascular disease.
According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, diabetes complications are associated with premature death. It is estimated that one of ten deaths in Canadian adults was attributable to diabetes in 2008/09. There is an estimated 48% increase in the prevalence of diabetes from 2015-2025.
“A 70-90% success rate in patients who had been refractory to other modes of therapy, with success defined as avoidance of amputation and, in many cases, complete wound healing.”
- Stone, 1997
- Revitalizes by improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to all organs
- Regenerates small blood vessels (capillaries), nerves and bones
- Rejuvenates by releasing stem cells from bone marrow for tissue repair
- Reduces pain, swelling, tingling, cramps, numbness
- Shortens recovery time after injury, surgery or in chronic illness
- Reduces and prevents infection
- Suppresses inflammation
In the nervous system:
- Hyperbaric oxygen reduces neuropathy (numbness in hands, arms, legs and feet) by promoting peripheral nerve regeneration and microcirculation
- Hyperbaric oxygen is an effective treatment for Bell’s Palsy
- Hyperbaric oxygen is helpful for heart, digestive and other autonomic nervous system functions
In problems with the legs and feet:
- Hyperbaric oxygen relieves pain in legs by improving circulation
- Hyperbaric oxygen reduces swelling
- Hyperbaric oxygen improves sensitivity and decreases paresthesias (pins and needles sensation)
- Hyperbaric oxygen increases muscle strength, reduces weakness and fatigability (getting tired)
When wounds/ulcers occur:
- Hyperbaric oxygen facilitates ulcer healing by promoting blood circulation
- Hyperbaric oxygen reduces/prevents infection
- Hyperbaric oxygen speeds up bone growth
- Hyperbaric oxygen enhances peripheral nerve regeneration
- Hyperbaric oxygen prevents thrombosis by increasing blood flow and decreasing its viscosity
In eye problems:
- Hyperbaric oxygen improves retinal blood flow for better visual sharpness
- Hyperbaric oxygen reduces the incidence of blindness caused by lack of oxygen
- Hyperbaric oxygen suppresses infections
In kidney and bladder problems:
- Hyperbaric oxygen improves bladder control reducing urinary urgency and frequency
- Hyperbaric oxygen improves kidney function
- Hyperbaric oxygen reduces/prevent infection of the kidney and bladder
Fifty-seven percent of Canadians with diabetes reported they cannot adhere to prescribed treatment due to the high cost of needed medications, devices and supplies. The average cost for these supports is 3% of income or $1,500. People with diabetes are over 20 times more likely to be hospitalized for a non-traumatic lower limb amputation compared to the general population (Canadian Diabetes Association, 2011).
It has been shown that with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a staggering 70 to 90 percent of primary amputations associated with diabetes can be prevented. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help prevent diabetic complications and therefore lessen hospital admissions and reduce amputation rate. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a cost-effective therapy compared to the traditional management of diabetes and its complications.
Further reading:
- Canadian Diabetes Association. 2011. The burden of out-of-the-pocket costs for Canadians with diabetes. Toronto, Ont. Canadian Diabetes Association. [PDF]
- Londahl M. 2015. Improved 6-year survival in patients with chronic diabetic ulcers after hyperbaric oxygen therapy: outcome from a randomized double-blind study. Lund University, Sweden. European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2015 Meeting.
- Cronje, FJ; Smart,H; Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in South Africa; Wound Healing, SA; 2008 [PDF]
- Chen-Yin Chen, et al: Adjuvant Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Hemodialysis Patients with Chronic Osteomyelitis. Renal Failure, 30:233–237, 2008
- Thakham J;McElwain D; Long R;The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat chronic wounds: A Review; Wound Rep Reg, Wound Healing Society, 2008 [PDF]
- Rollins, MD; Gibson,JJ; Hopf, HW; Wound Oxygen Levels during hyperbaric oxygen treatment in healing wounds; Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society; 2006 [PDF]
- “Canadian Diabetes Association Technical Review: The Diabetic Foot and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy”, Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 2006, 30(4):411-421
- “Adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Diabetic Foot Ulcer: An Economic Analysis”, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in health, March 2007 [PDF]
- Tandara,Andrea; Mustoe, Thomas; Oxygen in Wound Healing- More than a Nutrient; World J. Surg.28, 294-300, 2004 [PDF]
- Bakker DJ: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the diabetic foot. Diabetes Metab Res Rev; 16 Suppl 1: S55-8. Review, Sep-Oct; 2000
- Cianci P, Consensus Development Conference on diabetic foot wound care: a randomized controlled trial does exist supporting use of adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Diabetes Care, 2000 June. [PDF]
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- Cianci P, Hunt TK: Long-term results of aggressive management of diabetic foot ulcers suggest significant cost effectiveness. Wound Repair and Regeneration; 5 (2): 141-146,1997.
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Diabetes, Peripheral vascular disease, Cardio vascular disease
J N, Coquitlam BC
"... Since my 'baric-boost' I'm feeling great! It's very re-assuring to know I can go back for one or more sessions! Many Thanks to All!"

JL C, Surrey, BC
“Hyperbaric oxygen therapy proved to be the very best non intrusive therapy with the most positive end results. I have tried many natural remedies to help with the negative long term effects that my very brittle diabetes has caused. I would definitely recommend this therapy to everyone that needs some help.
Thank you so very much.”
Diabetes Neuropathy
P K - Vancouver
“I love to dance but had to stop because of numbness in my feet that caused me to slip and rip my Achilles tendon. After intense oxygen therapy the feeling is back in my feet and I’m back dancing again.”
Diabetes amputations
S H - Trail, BC
"I wonder how many limbs that were saved from being amputated at your clinic would have been lost waiting for an opening at VGH. "